Gratitude in Mind

Thrown off by Daylight Savings Time?

Were you yawning a lot last Monday? Sleep experts at The Royal were too.

Good sleep hygiene involves training ourselves to be better sleepers. Researchers recommend habits such as restricting caffeine and reducing screen time, leading to improved physical and mental health, and an overall improved quality of life.

Some sleep researchers are even calling for an end to the twice-annual clock change, noting the shift in routine has short and long-term consequences.

“There is an international consensus right now that Daylight Savings Time should be abolished because this practice really causes mental and physical health risks, and we see that at the population level,” says Dr. Rébecca Robillard, head scientist of the clinical sleep research unit at The Royal, and co-chair of the Canadian Sleep Research Consortium.

Thanks to your generous support , Dr. Robillard and her team are exploring new discoveries and innovations in sleep research, and effectively translating their findings into prevention and treatment strategies for patients. Thank you.

Reflecting on Brain Awareness Week

The brain is the most complex and least understood organ in the human body. At The Royal, we are advancing our understanding of mental health and the brain through cutting-edge research and clinical care. To learn how your donations are fuelling mental health research at The Royal, check out this video!

Points by Paul

Meet Nick Paul, an NHL player and friend of The Royal. After losing a loved one to suicide, Paul started a fundraising campaign: Points by Paul. For every regular season point he scores, he donates to The Royal. He also encourages others to support mental health causes, and to have open conversations about mental health. 

Supporting women's mental health

It's time to lace up your sneakers, gather your friends and sign up for the Ottawa Run for Women! This year's event takes place on Sunday, June 4 at LeBreton Flats in support of women’s mental health programs at The Royal.

Register before the price increases on Wednesday, March 22! Use coupon code UCOUNT to save $5.

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